Stockbury Dog Club

The aim of Stockbury Dog Club is to enable handlers to train their dogs to achieve a standard where the dogs are sociable with each other and with people.

We meet most Sundays from 10:00am until 11:00am
Stockbury Playing Fields (behind the village hall).
Stockbury ME9 7UD

Cost is £5 per week plus an initial £2 joining fee.
We are non profit making, proceeds to various animal related charities.

Interested in coming along then please
for further information.

Please do not arrive before 9:30am.

Dogs must be kept on the lead at all time unless instructed otherwise during class.
If you need to give your dogs an off lead run please do it before arriving at the training area.
New members will be required to fill in a membership form. Click to download form in pdf format

Problem dogs may be accepted for training after consultation with club trainers.
Aggressive dogs must be muzzled.